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Because they aren't completely over you... even if they have a new love interest... it doesn't matter. theyre trying to hurt you because theyre hurting over the break up

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Q: Why ex would say things to hurt you?
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im no expurt but i would just recomend first saying sorry and the try to work things out

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It does not mean anything at all. Any one can say such things in anger. Just calm her down and sort things out.Your ex partner is being immature. He or she, for some reason, feels a lot of negativity towards you and wishes you to have bad luck. Just ignore them, they're saying it out of hurt.

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"He is your ex boyfriend" is correct.If you were to say "he was your ex boyfriend" it would suggest that he is no longer your ex.

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maybe because they dont want to cheat on you or hurt you so they lie to you

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You hurt his feelings.

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Pretty much because they're jealous of you and they might still have a few roaming feelings left for that person.

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I would say, "Why do you care? That's your ex! Why are you all up in their business?"

What does it mean when he out of nowhere brings up a ex during a fight?

* When some couples get into an argument no matter what age if they are very hurt and angry they may lose control and say things that they don't mean. Your partner brought up his/her ex because they knew it would hurt you, but this doesn't mean they don't love you. When angry it's best to walk away and both cool off and then start learning to communicate about each others feelings. There is always a solution to a problem.