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the discharge colour is like a milky whitey yellowy colour but if it gets brown you need to go to the doctors. i hope this is your answer.

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Q: What color is discharge?
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What color is the discharge if you have BV?

The discharge from BV can be a different color from woman to woman. There is not 1 specific color.

What is the normal color of discharge?

The color that is healthy and the normal for discharge is either white and thick or clear at times.

Does endometriosis cause vaginal discharge?

Yes!!! Endometriosis does cause discharge. The color range from a light brownish color to a mucus-like consistency.

What color can your period be?

It is usually red, but vaginal discharge can be different colors depending on the cause. If you are unsure about the color of your discharge ask your parents or see a doctor.

What color is discharge before your period?

Usually white

Do herpes have white?

No the discharge that comes out of Herpes is a clear white fluid, if the discharge that you see is white in color it is not herpes.

What color discharge do you get before your period?

Your discharge would be white before menstruation.You may also experience spotting so see brown or pink discharge.

What is the normal color of discharge during pregnancy?

neon green

What is the definition of a corona discharge?

A corona discharge is the ionization of the surrounding atmosphere after an electrical discharge. This can usually be seen as a glowing of a different color near high voltage conductor points.

What is the difference of sent color and texture between regular discharge and pregnancy discharge?

The color red means your period, yellow and clumpy or white and clumpy means an anfection. And black and greenish ar serious if you have that I reccommend you to a doctor.

Is discharge normal?

Women tend to have more vaginal discharge during their ovulation period. This type of discharge should be virtually colorless and odorless. However, if the discharge has a foul odor and/or has a color of yellow, green, or looks curdlike with perhaps itchyness, this could be a sigh of an infection. Jessica

Can dicharge be mistaken for sperm?

Discharge and sperm can look similar in color and texture, but they come from different parts of the body. Discharge is produced by the vagina and cervix to maintain vaginal health, while sperm is produced in the testicles. If you are unsure, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.