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Q: What is the normal color of discharge during pregnancy?
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Does vaginal discharge continue to be present when pregnant?

Yes it does. Vaginal discharge is quite a lot during pregnancy.

Does yellow discharge mean you could be pregnant?

an increase in discharge could possibly be sign of pregnancy, however if it is a change in color from your normal there could also be a possible infection.

What is the normal color of discharge?

The color that is healthy and the normal for discharge is either white and thick or clear at times.

What color is implantation during pregnancy?

red/brown/pink its a tiny weeny bit of blood mine was in my discharge

Is it normal for your aerolas to get lighter and then darker during the day during early pregnancy?

Changes in hormone levels during your pregnancy will change the appearance of your aureolas and nipples throughout pregnancy and afterwords as well. They can change in shape and color at anytime.

What does increase in discharge mean during pregnancy?

I know I did with both of my pregnancies and one pregnancy only lasted 3 months. So, I guess the answer there is yes but I imagine it could depend on each individual person. It is normal and healthy as long as the discharge is white, clear, or even a cream color and doesn't smell unusual. If the discharge is any other color, especially green (which is a sign of an infection) or even darker brown (which could be blood-tinged) you should get looked at or if it is accompanied by any other stuff like itching, burning, etc. Hope this helps! Pam

What will your discharge look like during early pregnancy?

Discharge, whether ovulating or pregnant tends to be clear to white and have no odd smell. Many say they have an increase of discharge with pregnancy. If your discharge seems different by either color or smell you should make a phone call to your doctor's office and speak with a nurse.

Thick white discharge means what?

Thick white discharge during pregnancy is completely normal. It is because of increased estrogen production and greater blood flow to the vaginal area. This discharge is made up of secretions from the cervix and vagina, old cells from the walls of the vagina, and normal bacterial flora from the vagina. If the discharge has an odor and color I'd recommend seeing your doctor. If you are not pregnant then it could be yeast infection or leukorrhea - the odorless or mild-smelling milky discharge. !

What color should your discharge be if you're pregnant and should you be discharging?

none some pregnant girls have infections during pregnancy. Usually if you have discharge while pregnant you just gets loads more of it that is all.

Is light brown discharge twice yesterday when you wiped 8 weeks pregnant is this normal?

When you have any color discharge out of the norm during your pregnancy, you should seek the advice of your physician. You are 8 weeks pregnant; therefore, the earlier your seek assistance in the matter, the sooner the problem can be resolved. Best of luck to you and new baby.

Do your nipples go back to normal size after pregnancy?

Some women will go back to pre pregnancy size and color, others stay larger but seldom as large as they were during pregnancy.

Is pink discharge a sign of pregnancy?

As the baby grows during your pregnancy, the uterus is receiving a lot of blood flow in order to deliver all the necesary nutrients & oxygen your baby needs to grow. Often your cervix (which is the entrance to the uterus) is slightly swollen due to the increased blood flow. The blood vessels in the cervix are also somewhat bigger. Pink discharge after intercourse that appears as spotting can be a normal sign. The "trauma" of the penis contacting the cervix during intercourse can cause these blood vessels to rupture and a small amount of bleeding to occur. This is normal. However, pink discharge may be a sign of something more serious. Pink or red discharge is always fresh bleeding. Brown discharge is almost always "old" bleeding. It is always best to check with your healthcare provider in order to know for sure whether pink discharge during pregnancy is normal for you. ANSWER I got pink blood in my discharge can that happen in early pregnancy but the thing is I got my period 2 weeks later