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Neither president Roosevelt ordered atomic bombs dropped on anyplace.

  • Teddy Roosevelt died in January 1919 and never heard anything about nuclear weapons.
  • Franklin Roosevelt died in April 1945, he was replaced by Harry Truman who authorized the use of the atomic bombs but did not select the targets they would be use on (he left that decision up to the Army).
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Q: What city did Roosevelt drop a nuke on?
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Can you drop a nuke on afgianiastand?

Afghanistan... and technically we could drop a nuclear missile on them but the repercussions of that action would be far greater then you could imagine... we drop a "nuke" on them and the land is unusable for a 100 years plus all the innocent women and children that would be killed then when the mushroom cloud dispersed in the air it would go to the neighboring countries and the ash would fall down on them causing them to perish and us to look bad then the ash will continue to travel and eventually drop in the ocean and on the united states killing out own people its not like if we drop a nuke on one particular part of the world its gonna just effect them it is global no matter where we drop it.

How do commit suicide on insectonator zombie mode on

you simply drop a nuke then use lightening on it and you die!

Who is going to drop the nuke first?

The nation with nothing to lose. Where M.A.D. ( mutually assured destruction) dose not apply.

Is the US going to drop a nuke on Libya?

No, it is highly unlikely that the United States will use nuclear arms against Libya.