The nation with nothing to lose. Where M.A.D. ( mutually assured destruction) dose not apply.
The USA built the first nuke.
Hiroshima, japan, sept 1945
I think you have to get 55 kills
By us do you mean United States? If so probably not, since they cant reach us. If any one they would nuke Japan or South Korea, they would be dumb to nuke China or Russia. pssh. nig we screwed.
The first atomic bomb was made in 1945, the first hydrogen bomb was made in 1952.
drop it of a plane or launch it
No, it is highly unlikely that the United States will use nuclear arms against Libya.
The USA built the first nuke.
all you have to do is kill zombies and some will drop a nuke but if one does run into the nuke and it will blow up and not hurt you but it will kill the zombies that are out
Yes, there will be a NUKE killstreak for XBOX ONLY
Hiroshima and Nagasaki(atomic bomb,not a nuke)
by killing zombies and then they drop them you just run into the nuke and BOOm! nuke .. zombies must be inside the room on Nacht Der Untoten
If you're going for a nuke, try: -Harrier -Chopper Gunner -Nuke
they would have dropped one on them anyways or still won the war
yes, they are going to nuke us, we will die LOL
Not very likely.
Probably not but it wouldn't surprise me