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Q: What cigarettes do not have sugar?
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Can smoking cigarettes increases the sugar levels?


Is there sugar in electronic cigarettes?

No there is not. e-Liquids are usually made of PG and or VG, mixed with flavorings and water and little alcohol.

Do sugar alcohols contain alcohol?

Sugar alcohols do not contain ethanol (the stuff you drink). The simplest sugar alcohol, ethylene glycol, is the sweet but notoriously toxic chemical used in antifreeze. The higher sugar alcohols are for the most part nontoxic.

Someone who has taken drugs?

Most people have taken drugs, but that also depends on what is a drug. Coffee, cigarettes, medicine and even sugar can be considered as drugs.

If i smoked 5 cigarettes will i be addicted to cigarettes?

Yes, If you smoked 5 cigarettes chances are high that you will get addicted to the cigarettes.

What form of sugar does cigarettes contain?

Tobacco, like most plants, contains fructose. The fibre in all plants consists mainly of chemicals like cellulose and inulin, which are polysaccharides - sugars! And then, some cigarettes, like food, may have various additives which contain various sugars.

Are e-cigarettes as smooth as real cigarettes?

The smoothness of cigarettes varies a great deal as far as taste goes, and e-cigarettes are not all the same, but generally e-cigarettes that I have smoked seem to be smoother than cigarettes.

Is cannabis in cigarettes?

No. tobacco is in cigarettes.

What did they call cigarettes in 1914?


Does cigarettes have nutrients?

No nutrients at all in cigarettes.

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What drug is in cigarettes?

The drug that is in cigarettes is nicotine.