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'This Plus' by 'KT&G' is the cigarette that koreans smoke the most.

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Q: What cigarettes do Korean people smoke the most?
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Related questions

What are the best menthol cigarettes to smoke?

Depends on what you like. Most people go got newports

How are cigarettes worse then marijuana?

weed gets you stoned cigarettes dont get you high cigarettes suck! also if you smoke marijuana with a bong or a vapo its much healther; (most people for get that when compairing the two.)

Does Nick cage smoke cigarettes?

Most likely

Does Bryan Adams Smoke?

No, he does not smoke..... Cigarettes.

Does god smoke?

No. He does not smoke cigarettes, I'm sure. He has no need for smoking - He is perfect, and he's has no problems with addiction. Keep in mind, though, that smoking cigarettes or cigars is not a sin - it is not wrong. People only think of it as a bad thing because it can be addicting for some people, if they don't limit themselves, and most cigarettes are bad for your oral health and your skin.

Can you take cigarettes on an airplane?

Yes, you may take cigarettes onto a plane, but most airlines will not let you smoke them.

What brand of cigarettes do most celebrities smoke?

Probably the most ostentatious and expensive brands they can find.

What brand of cigarettes did they smoke in the movie Grease?

I'm pretty sure they were Camels. That's what most greasers smoke.

How do people start to smoke cigarettes?

People start to smoke cigarettes primarily out of curiosity. At some point you may wonder, what is it like to smoke a cigarette? Then, once you are exposed to the nicotine, you can become addicted. Peer pressure can lead to people starting to smoke as well. Trying to fit into a particular group of friends can lead to people trying anything which would give them acceptance. Also, young children who are exposed to their parents and elders smoking, can and most times do pick up the habit.

Does Chuck Woolery smoke?

Chuck Woolery is most likely someone who smokes cigarettes.

Why people smoke cigarettes?

people smoke cigarettes because they think that if they try it they will know the commotion about it or if they are peer pressured but what some people don't know about it is that fags and cigarettes have nicotine in them it is a drug that makes them believe that that they want more of it to stay happy if they do not have any then they can be very upset and aggressive.

Is smoking cigarettes the most benefit to your cardiovascular system?

Smoking cigarettes is damaging to your cardiovascular system, as well as your lungs. There is no benefit. Don't smoke.