chris brown
Only invite over the celebrities whom you know personally. Celebrities do not accept invitations from strangers.
Some of the celebrities who celebrate on May 28th are Kylie Minogue, Elizabeth Filarski, and John Fogerty. See the link for more celebrities.
Michael Jackson, farrah fawcett, billy mays, david carradine, and ed mcmahan, and ricky vita
WikiAnswers will not provide personal contact information for celebrities and non-celebrities alike.
Ash Ketchum.
1 Million
Tens of thousands of individuals have died from inhalants, around the world. When the concentration of inhalants build up in the lungs to toxic levels (e.g. those levels which do not allow for adequate oxygenation of the brain, heart and other essential tissues), then death may ensue.
Is the drug inhalants addictive?
Inhalants for sure.
inhalants are almost as bad as africa
People use inhalants because they are stupid
you i hate you
Babe Ruth
because younger kids don't even know what inhalants are. so, teens know more about inhalants then kids do. teens can be really bad so they choose to do inhalants the most of all.
Inhalants are not hallucinogenic. One exception could be nitrous oxide but it is different from what most people refer to as inhalants (computer duster, butane etc) as it doesn't inherently cause damage where as other inhalants do.