Various things: Pregnancy, illness, Birth Control, being a teenager, menopause...
when you too stressed you can skip your periods
Various things: Pregnancy, illness, Birth Control, being a teenager, menopause...
I can name one of the pill. But so many other things come in picture, when you want to skip the periods. It is better to consult the family physician or the gynaecologist for the same.
I am not sure what you are asking. If you are asking can you skip periods the answer is yes. There are birth control pills that have only 4 planned periods a year. But if you are asking to skip a period once it has begun, you can't. You can't stop a period once it starts.
If you have regular periods, it is not normal to skip the periods. I will always like to do the urine test for pregnancy, periodically, say weekly. I may prescribe some progesterone preparation in undue prolonged periods in such patients. But it is common to skip the periods without any known cause or due to some psychological stress. Some times the patients is too eager to get the pregnancy. It is common to have skipped periods in such patients. They may not have the pregnancy in such case.
yes it is normal to skip a period . this is because there are a lot of hormonal imbalances in the body.
Smoking weed does not make you skip a period. The THC chemical has no affect on the reproductive system.
Could be bad spark plug wires.
Women can take the birth control pills continuously without a break to skip the periods.
Scratches on the disc
You can try to use Necon 777 to skip a period. There is no harm in trying, and no increased risk of pregnancy. Some believe that the triphasic pills like 777 have a higher risk of bleeding in between periods when trying to skip periods, but there's no harm in trying.