Well, "the South provided 2/5 of the world's cotton," and the more cotton produced, the more slaves you need. Crop profit increased, which meant more slaves. In addition, the cotton gin was invented which required many more slaves as well!
Hope this helps :)
The issue of expansion of slavery was its expansion and growth into Western territories.
Cotton gin. Cotton gin made cotton production more profitable.
He would have immediately caused poor relations between himself and states that approved slavery, but remained part of the union. States such as Maryland, who were pro-slavery, would have left the union, as well. The Civil War was fought over the expansion of slavery, not the essence of slavery itself.
they opposed it
The decision of whether to allow slavery or not in each state was left for the residents to decide.
The issue of expansion of slavery was its expansion and growth into Western territories.
the expansion of slavery ! @tjoness <---- follow that guy
Cotton gin. Cotton gin made cotton production more profitable.
He would have immediately caused poor relations between himself and states that approved slavery, but remained part of the union. States such as Maryland, who were pro-slavery, would have left the union, as well. The Civil War was fought over the expansion of slavery, not the essence of slavery itself.
If the lands north of Missouri were closed to slavery, pro-slavery and pro-expansion advocates might turn their focus to the lands west of Missouri, such as the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, as potential areas for further expansion of slavery. This could lead to increased tensions and conflicts over the expansion of slavery into these western territories.
Eli Whitney was responsible for the expansion of slavery in America during the 1800's.
The Republicans.
It effected slavery's westward expansion because slavery would'nt be loyal in any territoy North.
Slavery. It established a parallel, North of which slavery was illegal.
States rights, slavery, western expansion, trade, property and taxation, cause many of the debates.
The growing demand of cotton expanded slavery westward as plantation owners sought new suitable.land.
Expansion of slavery into acquired territories, such as Texas.