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Its called adultery it's in the ten commandments it says you should not have an affair with a married person even if your married or not

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Q: What case if a woman having an affair to a married man?
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Does a man become impotent with his wife when he is having an affair?

Yes there are some married man who have this problem, because of his affair. The other woman or mistress is new to this married man, and everything she does is to excite him and satisfy his needs. This are not the case when it comes to his wife. Especially if they have been married for a long time, most of the time sex for this married man is only convenience so the wife will think that she still excite him. For some odd reason when the married man experience another woman and things are much different, that will stick in his mind. This will be the start of comparing the wife to a mistress. Married man will always look for that excitement and satisfaction that he can't have with his wife. Being impotent is like being turn off, the married man's wife do not turn him on anymore. It is sad but it really happen.

Who is responsible on stopping the harassment the wife is receiving by the mistress the other woman or the married man who had the affair?

Women by nature are jealous of the other woman so they have a tendency to blame the mistress in the affair and even when the mistress harasses the wife, but it is the husband in this case that should stop the harassment because he started it all. Get tough with the husband and ignore the mistress; the ball is in his court.

How can a person be countersued for having an affair?

ANSWER:Nope you can not, but if this person did something to you, physically you might have a case. But when it comes to emotional affair, they will tell you to see a councilor and solve your problem

You have been having a sexless affair with your boss he now wants to stop the touching hugging kissing to see if there is more to the relationship should you give this to him?

The term "affair" indicates that either both or one of you are married. If you are married, this is an opportunity to think about what you're doing to yourself, your husband, and your marriage. If you're not married, this is an opportunity for your to think about what you're doing and what you want. If your boss is married and you're not, you need to realize that he probably is not going to leave/divorce his wife (and possible family) to marry you. In the rare case where he does, remember the affair he had with you because he'll probably do it again, only this time with someone younger than you.

Is it wrong for a married woman to ask a man out for coffee?

If the married woman has no underlying romantic feelings for the man then no, it is not wrong to go for coffee with a male friend; male coworker. The woman knows if she is about to stray from her marriage and is searching for someone to have an affair with and if this is the case then no, she should not go out with another man for coffee. Women know deep down whether they are just going for an innocent coffee with another man or there is another reason she wants to go for coffee with him.

Is it a crime to sleep with a married man?

Opinion: Yes, it is wrong to sleep with a married man. When in doubt. put yourself in his wife's shoes. I doubt you would like some other woman sleeping with your boyfriend or husband.Opinion: It is very wrong to sleep with a married man or a married woman, period.Opinion: Yes, it is wrong. It won't make you the worst person in the world, and cheating with someones husband doesn't speak for your entire character; however, even if you're generally a sweet person, and do good deeds, the action of having an affair with a man who is supposed to be committed to another is not good for anyone. It can be damaging and hurtful to you, him, his wife, and many others with a connection/relationship to you all.

How do you sue the woman having a child with your husband?

You need to consult with an attorney. In any case, the woman is only half responsible and bears no responsibility if she didn't know he was married. You may not have a cause of action. She, however, can sue him for child support.You need to consult with an attorney. In any case, the woman is only half responsible and bears no responsibility if she didn't know he was married. You may not have a cause of action. She, however, can sue him for child support.You need to consult with an attorney. In any case, the woman is only half responsible and bears no responsibility if she didn't know he was married. You may not have a cause of action. She, however, can sue him for child support.You need to consult with an attorney. In any case, the woman is only half responsible and bears no responsibility if she didn't know he was married. You may not have a cause of action. She, however, can sue him for child support.

How does a married man feel about the woman he is cheating with?

Each case is inndividual, you can't generalise.

What case to file in a man having relation to a married woman?

ANSWER: I'm sorry ! but are you serious? unless this man is being sued the only name you can call this man will be cheater, adulterer, or maybe home wrecker.

Having an affair. Started before their marriage. Affair stopped but recently resumed. Should you tell his wife you are sleeping with him?

* Absolutely not! Cheating is as low and one can get and if the person loves someone they should have the guts to tell their married partner and in this case this would be her husband and you should back off until he does! An individual who truly loves someone does not have an affair and would communicate to their married partner that they are in love with someone else and not stoop to sneaking around behind their back. If in doubt put yourselves in this person's shoes. Since you had this affair before their marriage and it has resumed again since they were married this proves this man did either one of two things ... #1 He loved you and should have married you or, #2 He can't commit and is using you and hurting his wife. Some guy!

If my husband won't shower because he thinks it will prevent me from asking him for sex and previously when he was not showering I found out he was having an affair could he be having another affair?

Not showering & not wanting sex or two classic symptoms of Depression. First, try talking to him about it. Invite him into the shower with you. If all else fails, I would take him to see a doctor. As for suspecting him of having an affair... I would think he'd get showered and smelling good if that were the case.

How do you conduct an affair?

Just in case you haven't done it yet, don't do it. If you're unhappy in your current relationship you should have the decency to end that relationship first before you enter into another relationship. Think about it before you do anything. You could cause a lot of pain to many people by having an affair. And it might seem cool or sexy to do it, but you'll notice that there are more downsides than upsides to having an affair.