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Nothing. You need to have the proper jewelry for your piercings. The wrong jewelry can lead to irritation, infection and even migration or rejection if the wrong jewelry is left in long enough.

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Q: What can you use as a belly ring if you dont have one?
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Does it matter what kind of belly ring i use to get my belly button pierced?

not unless u dont put a ring in on a first go

Can you use a lip ring for your belly button?

YES if you talk with your belly

Rules for a belly ring?

You need to keep the belly ring clean. You should also twist it. You need to use alcohol to clean the outside of the ring and skin.

Can you use the contour ab belt if you have a belly ring?

You probably shouldn't use one unless you want to risk ripping out the piercing.

What sharp object is around 2mm that I can pierce my belly button with and what would i use to retain my skin after i pierced it since I dont have a belly ring?

It's really a bad idea to experiment with that. you can get nasty infections and contact allergies.

Can you use something to replace your belly ring?

clear retainer

Can you bend a tongue ring to use it as a belly ring?

if you ve the speical kinds of tools....i think you could do that

Can you use an earring for a bellybutton ring?

If it is your first time then NO. You should not take this risk, put a belly banana for it. But you can use an ear jewellery after healing of your belly piercing.

WWF War Zone how to throw player out of ring?

The best way to throw a person out of the ring is to get to the ropes (back toword it), then use the (belly to belly suplex) when your back is toword the ropes to toss your opponet out of the ring. you have to be so close to the ring ropes to work.

Can you use table salt on your belly ring?

No, it is not recommended to use table salt on a belly ring as it may be too harsh and cause irritation. It is best to use a saline solution specifically made for cleaning piercings, or a mixture of sea salt and warm water.

How do you care for a belly ring?

You need to keep the ring clean. You need to use peroxide to wipe the skin. You should also twist the ring to keep it open.

After you've had a kid and your belly ring stretches do you need to use a 16 gauge?

They say to take your belly ring out to prevent this from happening, but after delivery of a child your belly should go back to your normal "pre-baby" body. It'll just take some time.