Nothing but what you have been told to use by your professional body piercer. There is no secret heal fast cure, it will heal as quickly as every other injury to your body and old as quick as you allow it to, so don't mess with it and it will heal.
It has not been scientifically proved that magnets can help heal bones.
It worked on my ears idont see how it wouldn't work on your belly button.
By putting lots of neosporin on the cuts
Rub some aloe on the burned area. It will help it heal faster.
put prexoide on it a little neosporne
well when your belly button is very deep and you dont clean it often things can build up and get infected, what would help is fingering your belly button with a q-tip or your finger and cleaning it, if there is an infection you should see your doctor.
If your belly button ring has a blackish scab you may have torn it or pulled it a little on your clothing. As long as there is not discharge or redness, it isn't infected.
How to know if you pulled a muscle or got injured
once you have your belly pierced you may go swimming after 2 weeks..i was worried when i got mine done cause my vacation was 2 weeks after i got it done so of course i asked about swimming and he told me 2 weeks so there ya go.. :-)
No, and it won't fix the hole in your head, either.
No, not at all. The salt can actually help wounds heal faster.
Carmex can help sooth the symptoms but it won't do much to help heal the sore faster.