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foods with fibre reduces our chances of overeating.focus on eating unprocessed wholesome foods like brown rice, whole wheat, legumes and nuts. cut down on biscuits, Pizza, burger and wheat bread. avoid overcooking vegetables, killing fruits in the juicer.

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Q: What can you eat to help you lose weight?
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Drinking ensure in substitute for 2 meals a day will help you lose weight. If you eat 3 meals a day plus ensure, you will gain weight. Just eat healthy and excercise and you will lose weight with no extra help.

How do you eat and still lose weight?

Well, to lose weight healthily you should probably excersize and eat healthy.But if you want to now foods that help you lose weight, eat celery and arrots, they take more calories to eat then the amount of calories in them.Hope I helped

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No. There's no kinds of certain juices or foods that help you lose weight. The only way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories than you burn. Usually people just say something will help lose weight to get people to buy their product.

Why don't people eat?

cause they need help or trying to lose weight

Which foods can a person eat to help them lose weight faster?

A person can eat a variety of foods that will help you lose weight faster. Choose foods that have less calories and more fiber, as well as protein instead of fat.

Can a mcdonalds frappe help you lose weight?

A frappe is a sweet beverage - it contains sugar and is not going to help you lose weight. The best way to lose weight is to reduce the amount of food you eat, stop eating sugar and starches, and get more exercise.

What makes up a good lunch that would cause you to lose weight?

A good lunch that will help you lose weight would be a light small portion lunch.Any thing in moderation can help you lose weight long as you don't over eat to fullness.

Is one day a week ok to eat McDonald's if your trying to lose weight?

Yes it is ok unless you go crazy and eat alot of food there and that won't help you lose any weight..

Which foods should I eat to help lose weight?

To lose weight, you should eat natural, unprocessed foods that are low in fat but high in quality calories. Fiber is especially helpful. Avoid junk foods. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and lean proteins, such as beans and chicken, can help you lose weight.

Are peas good for losing weight?

No peas are not good to eat to help you lose weight as they are too high in carbohydrates.

Will you lose weight if you do not eat?

Yes, you will lose weight but this is not a good way to diet as you will gain it back when you do eat. It will mess up your metabolism and cholesterol and lots of other things. you should eat small portions and exercise more frequently- that will help. I lost weight by doing this.