tell him you want him to go harder!
tease him into thinking you're gonna do something with his penis then don't!
tell him she was a friend or a cousin and ask him to go out with you again .
well.. you can, but you should think about everyone else before you just go and blurt out your feelings.. think about what might happen after you tell her, will it be awkward, will it ruin her relationship, will she stop talking to you, will you get together, will her boyfriend bash you? but also think about the pros, it's a hard decision and a hard thing to do, but if it was me, i would tell her.
go for it.... but make sure u tell your friend
tell your ex your are through and he needs to let it go cause you have moved on and tell you current boyfriend your into him and you are through with your ex. ANSWER Please think about this seriously, i mean about who you truly love. either way, someone is going to be hurt and you had better make the right decision now than regret later. so if it is your ex, and he is worth it, then go back, if he is not the there is no point because love is not all that matters to make a relationship work. So think hard my dear.
When you get tired of him!
it's hard to let go of your first boyfriend because he was probably your first everything. he was probably the first guy that gave you butterflies or the first guy to tell you he loved you. he was just the one. and when you become too attatched, it becomes hard to let go. too many good memories and deep feelings hold you back from letting go.
you go and tell him you cheated on him and tell him how sorry you are and ask him to forgive you.
try make converation with him, maybe he likes you too. # if you have a boyfriend # tell the boy who talk to you and well i # i ment if he ask you if you wont to go on a date # tell him no that u got a boyfriend # a call him a pig # i have had 90 boyfriend in 10years i no what theyer like
To make this answer short and sweet, Only Time Will Tell.
Tell... the... truth. ANSWER: First of all do not go to your friend, what you need to do is go to the main source the boyfriend. Talk to him and ask him why is he trying to come between the you and her? He doesn't have the rights to tell you what to do....
you dont tell him, you just go down !
you should tell him you still have feelings for him