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drink water and sweat a lot. Or get a subscription to High Times Magazine and order some stuff out of there. They even have shampoo.

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9mo ago

Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated, exercising to help burn fat where THC is stored, and eating a healthy diet can all help to speed up the process of eliminating weed from your system. Additionally, using detox drinks or kits specifically designed to help flush out THC can also be effective.

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Q: What can help you get weed out of your system?
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Can weed get in your system by smelling it?

No, simply inhaling the scent of weed will not cause it to enter your system. In order for weed to enter your system, it must be smoked, vaporized, or consumed orally.

How much water should you drink to get weed out of you system?

Drinking more water than usual won't necessarily remove weed from your system, as THC (the active ingredient in weed) is stored in fat cells and persists despite hydration. The most effective way to clear THC from your system is through time, as it naturally metabolizes over days to weeks. Staying hydrated can aid in overall detoxification and help dilute urine for drug tests, but it won't directly eliminate THC.

How long does weed laced with crack stay in system?

Drug tests can detect crack cocaine in your system for 2-4 days, while marijuana can be detected for up to 30 days depending on usage frequency. If you have used weed laced with crack, both substances can be detected in your system during these respective timeframes. It's important to seek help if you are struggling with substance use.

What is a for sure way to clear weed out your system after you quit a month ago?

The only guaranteed way to clear weed out of your system is by allowing your body time to naturally metabolize and eliminate it. Staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, and exercising can help speed up this process. Additionally, avoiding any further cannabis use will also prevent additional accumulation in your system.

Why weed stay in your system so long?

Weed stays in your system for a long time because the active ingredient, THC, is stored in fat cells and metabolized slowly. Factors like frequency of use, metabolism, and body fat percentage can affect how long THC remains detectable in your system.

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Can you buy anything that would help clean your system from weed?

No. Quit using and you will pass.

Does water help clear weed out of your system?

No , water will not clean weed out of your system. Weed is a terrible drug , and is one of the most dangerous drugs. Weed is a life waster! Weed will stay in your system for a long while and could cause many illness's and side effects. SIDE EFFECTS - vivid colour , breast growth in Males , head pounces and much more. DONT SMOKE WEED. DONT WASTE YOUR LIFE!!

What is a permanent solution to help get weed out of your system?

Don't smoke weed in the first place, is a very permanent solution.

Does drinking water right after smoking weed help keep system clean?

No. Drinking water will not remove marijuana from your system.

Does alcohol help get marijuana out of your system?

Drinking alcohol does not help get weed out of your system any faster than drinking water does. Just drink a bunch of water and it will get it out fast.

Will weed help you with song wrighting?

No, weed will not help you with anything in life.

Does legal weed stay in your system?

Yes of course it does. It will remain in your body just as long as illegal weed would. Weed is weed. no its doesnt stay in your system at all. it has no THC

You were around people that smoked weed and you inhaled some of the weed how long if any weed will be in your system?

yes. you can get high second hand, which means its in your system

Can weed get out of your system by lifting weights?

nothing will get weed out of your system except quit using it for at least a month.

How fast can cranberry juice flush weed out of your system?

It wount help at all. Drink alot of water and pee it out or detox juice.

Does it clean or mask your system?

Dr. Weed~ no smoking marijuana does not help mask or clean you system it just makes it worse.. so if some one tells you to smoke to clean your system tell em to screw themselves and be smarter than them.. listen to Dr. Weed i know marijuana i smoke it myself..