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Many things, diet, stress, strenous ongoing activities, pregnancy.

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Q: What can cause late period?
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Xanax (alprazolam) will not cause missed or late periods.

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Exercising can be a cause for your period to be late if you exercise daily.

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Ratio lenoltic may cause the monthly period to be late in some cases. This is as a result of interference with the hormones that cause menstrual flow.Ê

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Any medical treatment can cause stress on the body, resulting in a late period or completely skipping your period

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Can a UTI delay your period?

Just about anything can cause a period to be late or occasionally missed.

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What could be wrong if your period is 6 days late and you have always had protected sex?

Stress and hormonal imbalances can cause your period to come late.

I am five days late with my period but i am not pregnant. What could cause this?

stress can cause your period not to come on so my advice is to see a physician