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I'm not sure what you mean by this, but marihuana is either inhaled or ingested. Wether it enters your lungs or digestive system the affect on your mind is the same. Your breathing gets slower and deeper like you're relaxing, and your heart goes faster like you're exercising. That causes double the normal amount if oxygen to be pumped through your body at a fast pace. This causes both sides of your brain to receive a generous portion of oxygen at one time rather than one side at a time as is usual. This often causes a person to think in ways that they are normally unable to. This can mean creativity, logic, science and many other things.

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10mo ago

Marijuana affects the mind by interacting with two major pathways in the brain: the endocannabinoid system and certain neurotransmitter systems (such as dopamine, serotonin, and GABA). In the endocannabinoid system, THC, the active compound in marijuana, binds to receptors to produce various effects. In neurotransmitter systems, marijuana can alter the release and reuptake of neurotransmitters, leading to changes in mood, cognition, and behavior.

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What does the term One Track Mind mean?

"One track mind" refers to someone who is overly focused on one particular thing or idea, usually to the exclusion of everything else. This can make it difficult for them to consider other perspectives or options.

What technique does Julia used to show the chaos her mind and heart are in after she hears what has happened give an example?

Julia uses stream-of-consciousness writing to show the chaos in her mind and heart. For example, she might narrate a jumble of thoughts and emotions in a fragmented and unpredictable manner to reflect her inner turmoil. This technique allows readers to experience the confusion and overwhelm that Julia is feeling.

The minds defenses against its own unconscious wishes and impulses?

The mind uses defense mechanisms such as repression, denial, and projection to protect itself from experiencing anxiety or distress caused by unconscious desires or impulses. These defense mechanisms help to keep unwanted thoughts or feelings out of conscious awareness.

Does Derren Brown Hypnotise?

Derren Brown does not use traditional hypnosis in his performances. Instead, he uses a combination of psychology, suggestion, misdirection, and showmanship to create the illusion of mind control and mentalism.

How does an emotion affect human behavior?

Emotions can influence human behavior by shaping our thoughts, decision-making, and actions. For example, feeling happy may lead to more optimistic thinking and positive behavior, while feeling angry may lead to more impulsive and aggressive actions. Overall, emotions play a significant role in guiding and motivating our behavior in various situations.

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Are there any legal or good uses of marijuana?

doctors can perscribe marijuana to canser patients

What are medicinal uses of marijuana?

Cures of pains

How does marijuana impact you in other financially?

Marijuana can impact most heavy users financially, it depends on how frequent the user uses Marijuana.

Should cannabis be used as a medical drug?

Thats more of a perspective question, but i believe it should be used as a medical drug because of all the Medical uses that Marijuana can be used for. A good film to watch that will change your mind if you are against Marijuana is a documentary called "The Union".

Does marijuana that is baked do anything to your body?

If you a heavy marijuana user then no If your new to marijuana uses then use I haven't tried it, but in the 60s marijuana brownies were supposed to make people high.

What are the social effects of someone who uses marijuana?

awesome !

Where in the world uses marijuana the most?

Amsterdam and Jamaica

Will bug spray to kill gnats hurt marijuana plants?

Yes, it will also hurt everyone who uses the marijuana.

Can marijuana cause you to lose your eyesight?

no, quite the contrary, one of the many uses for medical marijuana is to cure glaucoma.

What is the name of the religion that uses marijuana?

You may be thinking of Rastafarianism.

Is the lymph part of the circulatory system?

@the lymphatic system is its own system but uses the circulatory pathways.

Will ocan spray clean marijuana out of your system and how long does it take?

You are being tested for the chemicals that your body uses to metabolize the marijuana not the marijuana itself. The ocean Spray will not help.