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Please note that not all women or all pregnancies have any early signs or symptoms! That said, the following can be caused by hormonal changes in early pregnancy: absence of menstruation, breast tenderness, nausea & vomiting, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, mild cramping, spotting, low backache, increase urination and darkening of the areola.

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Q: What are the very first early signs of pregnancy?
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Other than a missed period what is the first sign of pregnancy?

Your breast become swollen and very tender to the touch and this can happen in the early stages of pregnancy. Google is the best place to see what the early signs are of pregnancy.

What are early signs of pregnancy before a woman misses her period?

The number one most reported sign of VERY early pregnancy is being more tired than usual.

Would there be any websites that could happen to help me find early pregnancy signs?

Being pregnant is a very exciting time. For some people the sooner you find out the better. I found the following link helpful in detecting the early pregnancy signs.

Are the signs of a tubal pregnancy the same as a non-tubal one?

Very early signs, up to five weeks, are very similar, breasrt tenderness, nausea etc but then a tubal pregnancy usually becomes extremely painful as the growing embryo stretches the tube. It can also be extremely dangerous.

Not sure if it is pms or early pregnancy signs how can I tell?

pregnancy has a major amount of signs. Smell is increased, obviously morning sickness, raised hormones which also makes your mood shift very VERY quickly. basicly you are able to compare it to the most severe cases of manic depression.

First pregnancy symptoms?

Usually one of the very first signs in being very tired and needing to take naps, later tenderness in the brest and nausea.

Had weeks of early pregnancy signs then your period was 3 days late When your period arrived it was very light for me and stopped early am I pregnant?

you could be but most likely not. pregnancy symptoms are so common and sometimes mock pre menstrual symptoms (pms). you should get a positive result on a pregnancy test by now if you are.

Is dehydration indigestion and tingling in breast an early sign of pregnancy?

No, not that I know of, if anything in early signs of pregnancy you tend to defecate quite alot and very few or none suffer indigestion. Tingly breast could sign or other things too; dry skin or growth such as menstruation. If you think you are pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

What are the most common signs of very early pregnancy?

Common pregnancy symptoms are: Nausea, breast tenderness, tiredness, adominal cramps, needing to pee frequently, bloatedness, and missed period. Etc. I'm not sure baout uncommon pregnancy symptoms so i can't help you with that.

Is bleeding during very early pregnancy normal?

Bleeding during pregnancy is not "normal" but some light spotting is reported by about 50% of women in early pregnancy.

What is 66 hcg?

that means you have a very early pregnancy

Can you have a positive pregnancy test and miscarry?

Possibly, if the pregnancy ended very early the hCG may have returned to pre-pregnancy levels before the miscarriage. It is more likely for the test to be negative a few days to a week after an early first trimester miscarriage.