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Assuming that it says what are sign if a shy guy likes you then i can safely assume this is a girl wanting to know this answer.

Ok This is coming from a shy person himself ..

First of all i am going to assume that you are a smart girl who knows the basic signs that a guy will give out to another girl to show that they like them ..

Just no that if you are trying to find out the truth weather a shy guy likes you then just know its not going to be a walk in the park.. its going to be much more harder and this is why. Shy guys are as you no shy therefore are not willing to be social meaning they are not easily able to show emotion and or be able to socialize with easily.With that being said you have an idea what i mean that its not going to be one easy walk on the park.

Now to the main point Signs that Shy guys



he will be nice to you and will mumble a little also will act a little more shy then usual and will try his best not too look like a fool


when you look at him he will try to stair at you and if you see that he alteast tried to stare back at you then you know he likes you since he tried but could no longer endure it anymore since he was to shy to begin with and just like any regular person everyone has their limitations ..

There are more things you can really do but it all depends how shy is the person i mean i am shy but to an extension like i am shy person when it comes to talking to a girl for the first time but when they talk to me i can be legit.

so it really depends on the guy so what i can do is give you tips what you should do if you happen to like a shy guy yourself and are curious to know what he might be thinking.

Ok the first thing you want to know is get to no him a little you can gather information by the people you see your shy guy with the people that are mostly with him all the time or the people he mostly talks to .


become a friend of a friend when i mean this i mean become friends with one of his friends the most common use stradegy when it comes to knowing a person this really works alot because if the shy guys sees you with his friend he will know that he will eventually have to talk to you therefore if everything goes smoothly you will be able to tell the way he acts towards you .


you have to make the first move the best way to know weather a Shy guys likes you is by this trust me when i say this if you happen to sit next to him get close to him little by little if you see him letting himself get touch then you know he is doing this on purpose but if he is pulling away from you to prevent him from being touch by you then you know for a fact that he does not like you. but what always works for me is when a girl sitting next to me tends to move her legs right next to my leg and purposley leaving it their next to my leg so that both my leg and her leg are touching is when they do not move it that you know 80% sure..

there are many more but for know its late and i got to catch some sleep any more question on this topic just message me or leave some comments on how bad i did since i think it did since its really late and i am sleepy and was sleepy when i even did this in the first place so ill see you all later and will hopefully see you guys later with a better answer

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Q: What are the signs that a shy guy likes you?
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