If he cracks jokes at first and tries silly things to get your attention, then all the sudden becomes shy around you
You can find funny Family Guy Christmas video clips and other funny Family Guy video clips on lots of video streaming websites such as YouTube and Hulu.
She likes a guy who can have fun.Honesty.Trust.And a guy who likes her for who she is and not just because she is a celeb.A guy who treats her welland who she can act normal around not pretending to be who she's notcharlie Roberts
Buster played by Marlon Wayans.
he is the 21 guy. he is super funny and he is also a twin to tanner ruban joy.
I believe its about a guy that goes crazy when a girl leaves him. When he says they are coming to take me away to the funny farm I think he means take him away to an insane asylum.
It actually means that the GUY loves you or likes you
what I do is just kind of talk about what he likes or just be funny because a guy likes a sense of humor.
it depends on what guy it is if he likes funny girls be funny it he likes smart girls or ask him to help you study. cutietutu answers if you see cutietutu then i am answering your question
Taylor Swift likes a funny guy. She also likes guys that think she is funny! OMG I LOVE U TAYLOR!
Looks at you a lot
he will flirt with you and give you signs that he likes you .. :D
Well has he given you any signs of you thinking he likes you?
Miley Cyrus likes in a guy when he is hot and kind and funny
he would be constantly looking at you
There are many possible signs that a guy likes you back more than as just friends. One easy way to find out is to simply ask him.
he will folo u