There are many signs breast tenderness,bloating and mild abdominal pain are the most noticable signs.
Could be your ovulating? I get it when I'm ovulating I know the signs because we are trying for a baby
You must be ovulating to get pregnant. You can have signs of puberty prior to ovulation.
Well I know that about 20% of women 25 and older get pregnant when trying to get pregnant, and when theyre not on birth control. And you can only get pregnant if your ovulating and a sperms there, so maybe it's 20%. Also, when your ovulating there are signs such as a thick white discharge, abdominal cramps similar to menstrual cramps, and also you get really horny.
on day 12 of your cycle these symptoms are probably because you are ovulating, not pregnant
when you are ovulating is there an odor?
While ovulating is precisely the time you can get pregnant.
Some women have a slight amount of discharge when they are ovulating.
Ovulation is when a female sheds the lining of her uterus allowing pregnancy. You can tell a female is ovulating by asking or looking for signs. Some of them include: abdominal pain, bloating, irritability, fatigue, even cravins; these and many other rings are possible ways to know. If you are in a relationship with a girl ask her.
yes that's when you conceive... ovulating is the release of your egg.
That means you could be ovulating or could be ovulating soon.
I get clear strechy discharge and quite alot of it and pressure pain when ovulating
A woman's body can tell her that she is ovulating by releasing a clear or white fluid.