No but most likely is she then so young so she can not legally have sex. Many girls don't think they have hit puberty because they have not gotten their period yet but it starts before that. And before you bleed you ovulate and that is when you get pregnant but you will not know when you ovulate if you've never done it before. So if you have unprotected sex before you ahve started bleeding there is no gurantee you not get pregnant becuase you might be in puberty.
Pregnant women don't have trees in their system. Maybe you should actually look at what you are typing before you hit "send" so people can understand your question and answer it.
You can get pregnant before the first time you bleed because you ovulate before you bleed and that is when you can get pregnant.
You are pregnant for 9 months before you have the baby.
Yes. The earliest birth on record is a boy born to a 5 year old girl. She was born ovulating though which is extremely rare so in a way she already had hit puberty. Before you start to bleed and get your period you ovulate so you might think you are not in puberty yet when you in fact are and if you ovulate you can get pregnant. It doesn't happen over night.
No, she has not been pregnant before.
can i get pregnant 2 days before my period starts
You can pregnant at anytime before after or during
If you hit your stomach while pregnant it would be bad for the baby. Also the proper way to spell pregnant is 'pregnant.' I am just trying to help. By the way your a great speller though.
No, girls don't need to have menstruated to get pregnant. Ovulation occurs BEFORE menstruation so you can get pregnant before menstruation.
Quinn was a cheerleader before she got pregnant
Guppies are pregnant for about 4 weeks before giving birth.