The only side effects listed for Herbex fat burning tea are nausea and upset stomach. Herbex fat burning tea is used for those who are wishing to lose weight.
3 months
Green tea's main effect is to increase calorie expenditure, which causes you to burn more fat but it doesn't appear to have any effect on how much food you eat throughout the day. There is currently no evidence that drinking green tea causes people to consume fewer calories.
Water and plain green tea
Drinking a few cups of caffeinated green tea can boost your metabolism slightly, but it is unlikely to help you burn fat. A diet that is high in fiber and low in fat will help reduce body fat, along with a few hours of cardio each week.
A quick and effective fat burner would be Green Tea Fat burning capsules. They can be found on Amazon. This product has been formulated to provide a highly concentrated form of Green Tea Extract combined with caffeine that has shown to burn fat effectively.
The best way to 'burn' fat is through cardiovascular exercise. If you want to use fat burners green tea extract or Hydroxycut are two known to work.
it's heathly, but the combination of different foods and exciersices can help too
Black tea is usually stronger and is used more prominently in some areas. OOlong tea is a fragrant and fruity tea that has been called the 'weight loss tea' as it helps to up the metabolism and help burn fat.
By Exercising more and drinking green tea this helps u boost ur metabolism So ull burn fat faster then ever
Not really sure what prolong means.. But if you drink it for 40 days you burn 1 pound of fat!
You should ask this question to a qualified medical professional - not an unqualified forum !
Of course not! You can tell by its name, ICED tea. Maybe regular tea could burn you, but iced tea really shouldn't be hot enough to burn you. Iced tea could burn you if it was chilled with dry ice. But technically, it would be the dry ice that burns and not the tea!