No way!
That in itself should tell you this pill is very bad for you. Stop taking the diet pills and talk to your doctor.
The Brazilian diet pill, as with all diet pills, is not proven to be effective. Prolonged usage can lead to addiction and may result in harmful side effects.
Alli is a diet pill. This pill claims, that along with diet and exercise, it can help you lose weight. The key to losing weight is in the diet and exercise. Consult your doctor before taking Alli or any other diet pills.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any type of diet pill.
Yes you can so do not take the over the counter "diet" pill if you are taking a UDT.
will i gain any wait back if i stop taking the 2 day diet pill
I think the cleansing diet has to do with taking laxative, a pill that makes it possible for someone to release the food that was consumed instantaneously.
I think it's called Healthy Trim
Yes. I tried this also another waste of money along with Sensa!! Los Angeles
I know of no birth defects associated with diet pill use, but know two things: 1) As soon as you discover you are pregnant, you should stop taking all over-the-counter medicines until you first talk with your doctor and get his okay. 2) No one who is pregnant should be taking diet pills, so don't continue.