3 weeks old, after weaning.
Puppies can start weaning from their mother at around 3-4 weeks of age. At that point, they can begin to eat soft puppy food and transition from nursing. It's important to monitor their progress and make sure they are getting proper nutrition during the weaning process.
Yes, it is possible. Maybe a sign that your menstrual cycles are returning or maybe you are pregnant.
After weaning her kittens, it typically takes about 1-2 weeks for a cat's milk to dry up completely.
I usually bath my bitches when they start weaning the pups at around 6-7 weeks. I give them 'blanket baths' before that with baby wipes.
Weaning age is three weeks. My assumption is at three weeks old, after they've been weaned of course.
They start weaning them around 4 weeks,as soon as the puppies get teeth.
A dog/puppy should be at least three to four I have a dog who has had two littlers and all the pups were about four weeks old to a month. I weaning prosess itself should take a least a week to two weeks. Hope this helps!
If you're being honest, weeks before hand...? ... then definitely NO.
there is a chance you can be pregnant
Well, male guinea pigs can mate when there about 3 and a half weeks old.
Drinking milk from it's mother is called "weaning". The mother should stop weaning and nursing her babies in 3 weeks... I would wait about a month. After the babies are done weaning you should immediately separate the babies from the mother AND father. ALSO male and female hamsters can only be together while the female is in heat. During that time they will mate. Once they finish mating take the male out. Keep the male away from the babies, and make sure mom doesn't eat her own pups! Hope this helped :)