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there is a chance you can be pregnant

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Q: Is it possible to have tender breast if pregnant two weeks before period?
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You are breast feeding and have not had a period can you still become pregnant?

It's unlikely but it's possible.

Is it possible to become pregnant 2 days before a period?

yes you can get pregnant you can't get pregnant if your period is still bleeding

Is it possible to get pregnant right before my period and no period a week later?

You can get pregnant at any time. Including during your period.

What are some symptoms of being pregnant before a missed period?

Some symptoms of being pregnant before a missed period are nausea and dizziness. You may also have some breast tenderness.

Is it possible to get pregnant when you have your period?

It is possible but highly unlikely. When you have your period it is to flush out your system, it it not? When you get pregant right before your period (Before the sperm reaches the egg) the period flushes it out.

Can you get pregnant before your first postpartum period?

You can still get pregnant before you get your period after having a baby. Due to the pregnancy your normal ovulation time could be different. Though if you are breast feeding regularly your cycle may be altered and this can also lower the chances of becoming pregnant, due to certain hormones that breast feeding releases.

Is it possible if you had unprotected sex three days before your period could you be pregnant you started your period though just wondering if possible since your period was so close when you had sex?

Anytime you have sex, period or no, you can get pregnant.

Can a girl who has not stated her period get pregnant?

Getting pregnant is related to ovulation. Because a girl can ovulate before having her first period, it is possible to become pregnant before beginning to menstruate. Any time a girl has sex,she can potentially get pregnant.

Does the period or breast make a women pregnant?

No it does not make a lady pregnant.

You had intercourse a day before your period could you be pregnant?

It is possible, but extremely unlikely.

Is it possible to still be pregnant if you had After implantation bleeding is it possible to still be pregnant after having implanation bleeding then 2 weeks later you get a period?

Well last year of 2/24/07 I found out I was pregnant and I had a period before .

Enlarge breast late periods no pain in nipples could you be pregnant?

late periods is not the sign of pregnancy but no period is. enlarged breast are signs seen before periods.