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Q: What are the health complications from pot smoking?
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Related questions

Can smoking pot give you pimples?

No, it would more likely improve your skin health.

Does smoking pot make you laugh?

Yes and it is fun so enjoy it while the hilariousness lasts. ;) No, smoking pot is bad for you and it kills 7 minutes of your life each time you use it! I learned this in Health class.

When was wheat introduce to the US?

as soon as we started smoking pot as soon as we started smoking pot

What is considered heavy pot smoking?

smoking veryday and smoking by your self

Why is smoking pot called getting stoned?

because i was smoking pot once and got hit with a stone.

Can smoking pot cause one eye to droop?

probably, smoking pot screws up everything about you

Can taking valproate semisodium and smoking pot be life threatening?

yes, smoking pot with anything is life threatening.

How do you obtain tetrahydrocannibol without smoking pot?

Eat pot.

How long does the average smoking man live?

Depending on your genetics! If your lucky 70-80 with great health complications. Not so lucky 40-50.

Complications of smoking marijuana after liposuction?


Does the doctor tell your mother if your smoking pot?

Most likely not, unless you are a pre-teen. Your doctor will advise you against it, of course, for the sake of your health.

Does pot make you laugh?

Yes and it is fun so enjoy it while the hilariousness lasts. ;) No, smoking pot is bad for you and it kills 7 minutes of your life each time you use it! I learned this in Health class.