symptoms for pregnancy can be different. The first one is missing or delayed your monthly menstrual cycle. Implantation bleeding occurs 6-12 days after conception and can cause spotting and cramping. It is when embryo puts itself on uterine wall. Most commonly fatigue, swollen or tender breast, morning sickness, frequent urination, backaches, headaches, food cravings and darkening of Areolas.
No, that is a symtom of your period. I know it is wierd. Pregancy symptoms are period symptoms :)
sore breast,bloating,nausea,missed period,spotting(you think its a period but its not,also a early sign of miscarige.)
I know they are commen in pregancy,but Im not sure when they happen.
Menopause is cessation of menstruation as you grow old or due to hysterectomy. A tubal pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy where in the inplantation takes place in the fallopian tube.
About 9 weeks.
NO! it is a step of having a miracle of birth
If she is showing all the signs of pregancy, such as shedding, nest making, etc., it will be a phantom pregancy, which is a common occurence.
Yes. I felt cramping during the early weeks of pregancy. But if any bleeding occurs be sure to call your doctor, especially if your past your first trimester. A miscarrage could be dangersous - life threating. I've had 6 healthy babies and 3 miscarrages. Good luck.
It is good for the body as it builds body resistense.