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It offers neuroprotection, meaning it protects nerves and brain cells. There is also some evidence that it may facilitate brain cell development. The US DHS confirms the scientific research that marijuana can be used as a neuroprotectant and antioxidant, it hold the patent to these uses patent no. 6630507

I can also relive the symptoms of ADD and ADHD as well as help motivate them to do their work.

The consequences of minimal usage are not alarming. Many voices on the subject overplay the impact marijuana has in the development of the brain as not all users are taking the drug every week. A brief outline of these effects on the brain is as follows:

User's are more likely to develop mental problems such as anxiety, depression, etc. This, however, is a varying risk from person to person. Some people may never experience these mental issues.

Short term memory issues is also a common problem linked with the drug, but this is only temporary.

People can sometimes identify someone who abuses the drug by their behaviour.

The main problem with marijuana is that people think that the drug is relatively harmless. This is only true if the user doesn't abuse the drug. I know people who smoke it before they go to bed (marijuana is a great for insomnia relief and other debilitating conditions) and when they wake up (certain strains can be more effective than coffee and are much less addictive than coffee). It can happen to anyone.

Weed is a known bronchodialator to the medical community. This being said it could be effective treatment to a person with Asthma as long as they vape, rather than smoke. Smoking deposits tar into the lungs. Because marijuana smoke is rarely filtered this can be up to 4 times as much tar by weight smoked than cigarette smoke deposits, this being said a tobacco smoker goes through 20-40 cigarettes a day while a stoner goes through 2-4 joints of the same weight per day. Marijuana smoke also causes temporary irritation, but it has no lasting effects. Marijuana does not increase your risk for cancer or COPD, let alone cause them unlike tobacco smoking and there are studies that conclusively prove this and disprove the myth and lie alleged by the negative Propaganda.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Depends on lots of things. For most people the first time you smoke you dont feel a thing, unless you take a really fat toke or blaze alot. Effects differ depending on how stoned you get, most don't know how to get really looped. When you first start to get stoned you get a fuzzy feeling, and overall euphoria. Also, the more experience you have being stoned the more you notice the effects. When you start to get a little stoned, you get a little giggly, everything is better in everyway, and depending on how your brain is wired, you will either be more quiet or you will ramble more. When you really start to get baked then you get a more heavy feeling mixed in with all of the previous effects. Also you may start to see some visual effects at this point. Also it is kind of like being in a fog. Oh, depending on who you are at anypoint along you may start to get paranoid about dumb stuff and feel anxious. As you get more high the effects get more intense. If you want to get more high you have to challenge yourself, think of it like mass building(muscle) you must suprise the muscle so that it sparks some growth. The same is with getting more stoned. I know this from years of experience. Tell me how would i suprise myself? Well, take bigger tokes or smoke using different methods, joint, bong, pipe, 3rd lung bong... Etc... Hope i helped and gave some somewhat useful information.

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12y ago

The benifits of smoking is better concentration, brain cell stimulation, stress relief, can help you fall asleep, help your anxiety, if you get the shakes, theyll go away. Lab results have also shown smoking mary may strengthen your lung tissue.


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you feel like you do in a dream and everything makes you laugh

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the best time of your life

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it makes thing long and blurry

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