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It really depends on what age you start smoking at. But from just smoking at the age of 10-11, you will be dead by 25.

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Q: What are the effects of smoking at an early age?
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What are the effects of smoking at old age?

it could make you have lung cancer.

Will smoking age skin prematurely?

yes, it will also kill you at an early age, it is the worst thing you can do to yourself

What is a common side effect of early aging and smoking?

A common side affect is getting wrinkles at an early age.

Is there any punishment for underage smoking in the UK?

Yes - getting lung cancer at an early age.

What effects you when smoking?

All bad effects you can imagine. What good effects you get when smoking? NONE.

What are causes of smoking?

the causes of smoking is someone smoking. the effects are what happens after.

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The legal age is 18, and yes you can work at a gas station.

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If your 20 and started smoking pot at 13 and people think you look quite young for your age could this be due to smoking at an early age?

no. that's probably the dumbest thing ive heard. you just look young.

Is smoking good for are bodys?

No, there are no positive effects from smoking tobacco.

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there are no good effects.

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