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using pills and contraceptive method

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Q: What are the drugs to prevent pregnancy?
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What can you take after 4-12 days to keep you from being pregnant?

After 72 hours of sexual contact, you do not have drug to prevent the pregnancy. You can terminate the pregnancy with drugs. For that you need to consult the gynaecologist.

Can marijuana prevent pregnancy?

no it can't prevent pregnancy

What are pregnancy categories for drugs?

Pregnancy category-- A system of classifying drugs according to their established risks for use during pregnancy.

Vitamins to prevent pregnancy?

Vitamins don't prevent pregnancy.

Can bv prevent pregnancy?

BV won't prevent pregnancy.

What do the doctors have to do to remove a tubular pregnancy?

Depending on far along you are, I believe certain drugs can remove a tubular pregnancy. If the pregnancy is a little further along, Usually a fallopian tube is removed in order to prevent erruption, also to save fertility.

What drugs are classified as pregnancy category x by the fda what similarities do some of there drugs share?

What similarities do some of these drugs share in Pregnancy category X

Can hot water prevent pregnancy?

NO ! ONLY contraception or abstinence can prevent pregnancy !

Why is that starch prevent pregnancy?

Starch as in pasta, potatoes etc? That does not prevent pregnancy.

Is cytotec good to prevent pregnancy?

No. Cytotec can be used for abortion but not to prevent pregnancy.

Does yaz prevent pregnancy?

Yaz is a birth control pill. It is intended to prevent pregnancy.

You took 8 Advil to prevent pregnancy?

Advil don't prevent pregnancy no matter how many you take.