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Eluviation is the movement of the particles (such as minerals and organic matter) into lower soil horizons. Then Illuviation is the accumulation of those particles in the lower soil horizons.

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8mo ago

Illuviation is the process of accumulation of soil materials like clay, organic matter, and minerals in a lower soil horizon due to percolating water, while elluviation is the process of leaching or washing out of these materials from the upper soil horizon. Illuviation results in the accumulation of these materials, while elluviation leads to their loss.

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Q: What are the differences between illuviation and elluviation?
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What is elluviation?

Elluviation is the process by which water moves minerals or organic material from one soil horizon to another within the soil profile. This movement helps in the accumulation of distinct layers of minerals or organic material in different horizons, which contributes to the development of the soil profile.

What are the various processes of soil formation?

Soil formation involves processes like weathering (physical, chemical, and biological), erosion, deposition, and organic matter accumulation over time. These processes work together to break down rocks, minerals, and organic materials, leading to the development of soil horizons with distinct properties.

What process of horizon differentiation is illustrated by illuviation?

Illuviation is an accumulation of dissolved or suspended materials in a soil horizon. This process can lead to the formation of distinct soil horizons, especially when certain materials like clays or organic matter accumulate in a specific layer through the downward movement of water.

What is the difference between illuviation and eluviation?

Illuviation is the process of accumulating material washed down through the soil profile, while eluviation is the process of losing material from the upper soil layers due to leaching or erosion. Illuviation generally results in the accumulation of clay, organic matter, and nutrients in the lower soil horizons, whereas eluviation leads to the depletion of these materials in the upper soil horizons.

What are the pedogenic processes?

There are five main pedogenic processes: weathering, translocation, eluviation, illuviation, and organic matter accumulation. Weathering involves the breakdown of rocks and minerals, while translocation moves materials within the soil profile. Eluviation is the process of material moving out of the soil, while illuviation is the accumulation of material within the soil. Lastly, organic matter accumulation refers to the build-up of plant and animal remains in the soil.

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What is elluviation?

Elluviation is the process by which water moves minerals or organic material from one soil horizon to another within the soil profile. This movement helps in the accumulation of distinct layers of minerals or organic material in different horizons, which contributes to the development of the soil profile.

What are the various processes of soil formation?

Soil formation involves processes like weathering (physical, chemical, and biological), erosion, deposition, and organic matter accumulation over time. These processes work together to break down rocks, minerals, and organic materials, leading to the development of soil horizons with distinct properties.

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