1: Over Priced food, and Clothes
2: People who actually pay for overpriced things.
The plural form of shopping mall is shopping malls.
you can find them mostly actually anywhere in the shopping mall! And ONLY the shopping mall!
Definitely a shopping mall. If it is a large mall, you will get in your exercise shopping. Did you know, shopping CAN be a hidden form of exercise.. in my opinion.(;
big shopping mall
The plural form of shopping mall is shopping malls.
It would be correct to say "you go shopping at the mall" or "you go to the mall to shop". It is not proper grammar to say "you go shopping TO the mall".
The cast of Sale - 2003 includes: Willemijn Beks as Child in shopping mall Malou Gorter as Shopping mall employee Marcel Hensema as Man in shopping mall Tjitske Reidinga as Woman in shopping mall Max van Til as Child in shopping mall Jeroen Willems as Man in shopping mall
Shopping mall have a wide variety of products available
Mercato Shopping Mall was created in 2002.
The Avenues - shopping mall - was created in 1990.
The arcade is the oldest shopping mall.
Mercado-market centro commercial-shopping mall