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Being sexually and romantically interested in persons of the same gender as your self, and not the other gender.

Otherwise, there are no distinguishing characteristics.

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Q: What are the characteristics of gay and lesbian people?
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What does God do with gay and lesbian people?

God does the same thing with gay and lesbian people that He does with straight people.

What is the most common form of sex straight or lesbian or gay?

Most people are straight but then it is lesbian, then gay

What does it mean when a hotel states that they are associated with IGLTA?

It means that they welcome gay and lesbian customers, with employment policies that are accomodating with gay and lesbian people, and that they may also donate money to local gay and lesbian foundations. IGLTA means: International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association.

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the masai are little gay and lesbian people

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Panisexual is a person who is attracted to people who are gay,lesbian or straight.

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A person who is not a gay and lesbian :) She is also awesomethe person who put her as a gay lesbian is a gay lesbian

How long have you been a lesbian for?

People who are gay are born that way.

Is sharing candy mouth to mouth considered lesbien or gay?

That would be called kissing. It is not either lesbian or gay, but you could be lesbian or gay if you enjoy kissing people who are the same sex as you are.

What were the objectives of the gay and lesbian rights movements?

Initially, the objectives were to decriminalize same-sex relationships. Today, gay and lesbian people are fighting for full equality.

Can gay marry with lesbian?

If they did then they wouldn't be gay or lesbian now would they?

Can you be gay and lesbian?

The words "gay" and "lesbian" mean the same thing.

What Moral issues face gay and lesbian people?

Gay and lesbian people face exactly the same kinds of moral issues that straight people face. In addition, some may have conflicts with the religion they were raised in.