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Hormones is the number one reason that women gain belly fat. Eating right and exercising are the best and most common ways to rid yourself of belly fat. Trying to rid yourself of stress may also contribute to the loss of belly fat.

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Q: What are the causes and remedies of belly fat in women?
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Does diet soda contribute to belly fat?

Yes, if it contains sugar. Sugar is one of the causes of excess body fat. Therefore, in my own opinion, soda could contribute to belly fat.

Does fat accumalation around stomach inhibit production of testerogen hormone?

There is some evidence that it can. However, in some men, low levels of testosterone have been seen as the cause of an increase in belly fat. Controversy still exists about which causes which.It should also be noted: that belly fat should not be taken as symptomatic of a low testosterone level. There are many men and women who have no testosterone problem, and have accumulated belly fat.Only a doctor can tell you if testosterone levels are causing belly fat, or the other way around.

What is a double belly?

A double belly is when your upper and lower abdominals form fat and a crease forms horizontally across the naval. This causes fat to build up seperately making two rolls.

Is belly fat more common in women after menopause?

Postmenopausal women often notice a larger abdomen. Even if prior to menopause the woman had very little belly fat it is likely they'll notice weight shifting from their hips, arms, and legs to their abdomen.

Why women with tubal surgery have belly fat?

Because they're not getting enough exercise for the amount of food that they eat.

Why is belly fat so hard to lose?

Belly fat is actually not fat its your cholesterol. cholesterol is consentrated fat that already partly solid. When you execrise your muscles call for the body to send it fat, it takes from the easy fat first, like your arms legs etc, after approx 15 minutes of exercise it calls for the complex fats, stored in the belly, this fat is also harder to burn and requires alot of oxygen. If you are exercising and breathing hard, you are not getting the oxygen needed to burn the belly fat. exercise longer and at a rate slow enough not to force you to breathe hard. Also when you exercise fast and hard with alot of belly fat, when the belly fat is released it can flood the heart with fat cells, which can cause a heart attack. Call for the fat slowely, long walks, biking etc..... The complex fat in women is stored in the hips............

What women workout routines aim at flattening the stomach?

Belly tucks, crunches, jogging, stretching, aerobics in general. Inquire your trainers to find out which methods would be most beneficial for women looking to lose belly fat.

How can i get belly fat off with out making it obivous?

how can i get belly fat off with out making it obivous

Where is body fat stored in men?

the fat in men is stored in the belly due to their hormones

Does the Belly Fat Diet Really Burn Belly Fat?

Many dieters find that belly fat is the most difficult fat to lose. This is what attracts so many people to the belly fat diet. But is this diet really effective? While there are several variations of the belly fat diet, most are based on the idea that limiting carbohydrate intake will reduce belly fat. Unfortunately, while these diets may work, they will not specifically reduce your belly fact. It is not possible to burn fat from one area over another. To lose belly fat, dieters will need to improve their diet, participate in cardiovascular exercise, and lower their body fat as a whole.

What type of exercise would help in reducing belly fat in women?

Abdominal exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and other abdomen working routines will help you blast your belly fat. Exercise your other muscles too so that you can increase your overall metabolism to prevent fat from returning.

Do men love fat women?

Yes, I think many men do. First many men like women with curves. I do and I love large busty women and I do not mind a belly either.