Belly fat is actually not fat its your cholesterol. cholesterol is consentrated fat that already partly solid.
When you execrise your muscles call for the body to send it fat, it takes from the easy fat first, like your arms legs etc, after approx 15 minutes of exercise it calls for the complex fats, stored in the belly, this fat is also harder to burn and requires alot of oxygen. If you are exercising and breathing hard, you are not getting the oxygen needed to burn the belly fat. exercise longer and at a rate slow enough not to force you to breathe hard. Also when you exercise fast and hard with alot of belly fat, when the belly fat is released it can flood the heart with fat cells, which can cause a heart attack. Call for the fat slowely, long walks, biking etc.....
The complex fat in women is stored in the hips............
No. That's why my belly is so big and wobbly!!
There is a website called Montley Health that has some great recommendations on losing belly fat. There website is .
Many dieters find that belly fat is the most difficult fat to lose. This is what attracts so many people to the belly fat diet. But is this diet really effective? While there are several variations of the belly fat diet, most are based on the idea that limiting carbohydrate intake will reduce belly fat. Unfortunately, while these diets may work, they will not specifically reduce your belly fact. It is not possible to burn fat from one area over another. To lose belly fat, dieters will need to improve their diet, participate in cardiovascular exercise, and lower their body fat as a whole.
One of the most frequent personal goals that a person has is to lose belly fat and get into overall good physical shape.� While it can be challenging to do so, following a certain healthy diet could help a person lose belly fat quickly. � When looking for a diet that helps people to lose belly fat you should look for one that focuses largely on eating food that is high in protein and fiber and also restricts the amount of unhealthy carbohydrates that are consumed.� Doing this over just a short period of time will help someone lose a noticeable amount of belly fat.� ��
Absolutely not! If you have no belly fat at all then you look like the starving kids in Africa. Is that what you want? Didn't think so. Furthermore, if you are a woman, you will stop having your periods if you lose all your belly fat, which means that your body will not produce enough Oestrogen, which is the hormone that makes you feminine and womanly. And without Oestrogen, you will become more hairy and manly, and your voice might break. So don't lose all your belly fat, it is very important to your lifestyle!
If you eat a proper diet yes, but if you out to lose weight cardio and lifting is what you need to do, not one or the other.Also it sounds like you are trying to lose belly fat, spot training doesn't work or exist for that matter, your body will lose fat as a whole, the last place you begin to lose fat is your belly area, so doing 200 crunches or sit-ups a day will not cause you belly fat to go away (it might make it bigger, compiling fat with muscle)
All you have to do is do some squatches(sit-ups) . This will make you crunch your spine so the belly flab overlaps. This will make you lose weight faster.
To find out more about lose belly fat diet, consult a nutritionist or your doctor. These people know your body better than the internet. However, if you are not able to do so, try the following link:
To lose belly fat, you must first reducing your calorie intake. Then, you must do exercises that will work out your whole body. Then, you must take advantage of the after burn effect so that you would lose calorie even after working out!
Unfortunately, you cannot lose belly fat in seven days. If only it were so easy.However, you can lose fat accumulating around the stomach/belly or abdomen over time if the cause is insulin resistant (as it often is).Many, many people nowadays have a degree of insulin resistance, often without being aware or it. Insulin resistance can range from mild to intense.For more information about how to lose belly fat see the related question and its detailed answer listed below.HOW CAN YOU LOSE BELLY FAT
What a lot of people don't seem to realize is that if you want to learn how to eliminate belly fat, you need to know what belly fat really is: It's not just fat around your belly. Almost all of the fat in your torso will move down around your belly when you stand up. Try laying down to see how much belly fat you really have. You need to lose weight around your whole body in order to reduce the fat around your waist, so don't just do situps, try walking, running and bicycling, too.
Yes, it works your cardio. However, if you really want to lose those belly fat, you've got to have a good diet, and do some sit ups and exercises not just jogging.For more information, see the related question and detailed answer'How to lose Belly Fat?'