I don't know Robert Pattinson's Dad's birthday, but his Mum's birthday is February 4. People think it's August 16, but it's not. His parents names are Clare (Mum) and Richard (Dad).
a modeling agency! but which one in London
Amanda, Leo, Angelina, Kylie, Ruby, Dustin, Mrs. Grayson, Stephanie, Mom, Dad
Liam Mom- Karen Dad- Geoff Niall Mom- Maura Dad- Bobby Harry Mom- Anne Dad- Des Louis Mom- Jay Dad- Mark Zayn Mom- Tricia Dad- Yaser
tigerclaws's mom was Leopardfoot,and the dad is unknown. :3
His mom and dad are Robert and Clare and his sister are Lizzy and Victoria.
His mom, Clare Pattinson, worked for a modeling agence and his dad, Richard Pattinson, is a car salesman
Their names are Clare & Richard
a modeling agency! but which one in London
Dad- Robert Mum- Ruth
Her dad's name was Robert Johnson and her mom's name was Elaine Harris.
Demi's mom is born on August 8th, I believe. Not sure about her dad.
The dad is Robert Pine. Don't know the mom , but have seen her before
their names are Angela villages- mom and i believe my friend saying the dad is Robert villages
Her dad was born on December 7, 1924. Her mom was born on February 19, 1927.
Her mom is Susan Duff and her dad's name is Robert (Bob)Duff