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Losing 25 pounds in twelve weeks is extremely unhealthy, but possible. The best diet for losing this kind of weight is called the "starving yourself" diet, which entails eating nothing with calories in it. This diet is very dangerous, so the best thing to do is talk to your doctor instead. He or she can help you lose weight gradually and safely.

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13y ago

There are a lot of diets that you could use to lose weight. The fastest working diet is probably the Atkins diet. You could also try using the South Beach diet.

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Q: What are the best rapid weight loss diets?
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What are some rapid weight loss diets?

WebMD, which has information about many health-related issues, has considerable information about weight loss diets. Other sites that address this issue are sites for diet programs such as Nutrisystem.

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Rapid weight loss diets can be very risky and are not recommended. Your body needs time to adjust to the weight loss. You should check with your doctor to see what he recommends as your best course of action.

Lose Weight Fast: Rapid Weight Loss Diets?

Although weight loss best comes the old-fashioned waythat is, from consistent exercise and limited consumption of healthy, nutrient-rich foodsthere are a number of options for people who want to lose weight rapidly. Surgical options can offer an extreme but very rapid weight loss method, but for people looking to lose weight naturally, there are diets that offer quick results. The two diet methods that have been proven to produce results quickly and safely are protein-only diets and liquid-only diets. Both can be pursued at home, with or without the assistance of a medical professional. Atkins and South Beach offer effective and rapid weight loss plans using a protein-only method, while Medifast is an excellent choice for people looking to pursue a liquid-only diet.

Why Rapid Weight Loss Diets Don't Produce Long Term Results?

Rapid weight loss diets can be good for short term weight loss, but are not sustainable in the long term. If you do try a quick weight loss method, follow up with a healthy long-term eating plan to keep the weight off. Trying to stay on a fast weight loss diet for a long time is unhealthy. This is because such diets usually do not provide enough nutrients to sustain essential physical functions. In some cases, they don't even provide enough calories to live on for the long term. The best way to lose weight is always to eat a well-rounded diet with proper portion sizes.

Is A Rapid Weight Loss Diet Right For You?

A rapid weight loss diet can seem like a tempting option for anyone who wants to lose weight in order to fit into a dress or look good in a bikini. While these diets can often deliver on the promise they offer of quick weight loss, they don't generally do much to help you keep it off long term. Consider whether you want a short term gain for a specific event or a long term improvement that will last when you decide whether a rapid weight loss diet is for you. Long term weight loss works best when it is slow and steady.

Where can I locate a list of diets for weight loss that have been proven to work?

You may take a look at,,

Which rapid weight loss diets are effective?

Rapid weight loss is not safe or effective. Rapid weight loss is the loss of water and muscle mass from the body, not fat, and this "weight" is quickly gained back. The only way to lose weight is by burning more calories than are consumed, and this means ramping up daily exercise. You can put together a healthy eating plan at Check out for ideas on how to incorporate more activities into your schedule.

Will juicing help my weight loss go faster?

Does juicing aid with weight loss? The claim that juicing promotes weight loss is unsupported by official research. Anecdotal data suggests that juice diets, particularly when they are extremely low in calories, may cause rapid weight loss in the short term.

What are a few well known quick weight loss diets?

The Atkins diet can cause rapid weight loss in the first fortnight if the individual restricts their intake of carbohydrates to below 20g a day. The Dukan diet can also lead to quick weight loss.

Are rapid weight loss diets healthy?

Rapid weight loss is not necessarily unhealthy but the thing about loosing weight quick is that you might not have formed the habits or learned to eat in a way that will keep the weight off and end up back where you started. They call them yo-yo diets for a reason.

What are the best diets plans versus the worst diet plans of 2012?

The most effective weight loss diet plans and foods to help you lose weight naturally, get into shape and stay healthy. Discover which foods and diets are best for the most effective weight loss diet plans and foods to help you lose weight naturally, get into shape and stay healthy. Discover which foods and diets are best for.