Ok, for one, there are no "bests" for guns, because it just doesn't work that way.
Most people would say desert eagle, but that's a brandname, and the pistol is one of the worste and most unreliable.
A lot of people think that the hunting pistol is the best. Im one of them!
impossible to know
It depends on what "best" means to you.
You need to define best for WHAT. There is no one "best".
The Plasma Pistol
desert eagle
The one you have with you when you need it.
Impossible to answer. "Best" is a subjective term that is colored by your skill, pocketbook, type of pistol, recoil sensitivity,etc..
H&K USP45, hands down. Imo its the best designed pistol in the market 2day. Great looking, reliable and accurate. My cousin has one as service pistol and it has never jammed.
Get the best you can afford.