none, weed is not a addictive drug you may want some real bad but its not the drug makin you want it
There is no conclusive evidence of negative long term side effects associated with the use of marijuana. The euphoric effects of marijuana only last up to three hours.
Just because you smoke, doesn't mean you can't have kids!
There are none of either because marijuana is not bad for your body to a degree that you can see effects of short and long term. Possible laziness?
Memory loss and dependence.
it hurts
Effects of psychological abuse can be long lasting and devastating. There are many different effects of psychological abuse that include shame, guilt, anxiety, crying, feeling helpless, avoidance of eye contact, and fear. Other effects can include depression, substance abuse, low self-esteem, and withdrawal.
The long term effect of animal abuse is that they become hostile and extinct. The short term effects include becoming reserved and suffering from various injuries.
It can take anything between 3 months to a year to regain mental agility
Their are no long term affects to marijuana besides the fact that it is addicting. It does however have many short term effects such as red eyes and a strong desire to eat, other than that their are no long term effects when it comes to marijuana besides addiction.
Marijuana, as a depressant, will relax muscles while a person is under the affects of it, but has little to no long term, negative effects (on muscles).
you act stupid ,eyes become bloodshot