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There are none of either because marijuana is not bad for your body to a degree that you can see effects of short and long term.

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Q: What are the long and short term effects for marijuana?
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Their are no long term affects to marijuana besides the fact that it is addicting. It does however have many short term effects such as red eyes and a strong desire to eat, other than that their are no long term effects when it comes to marijuana besides addiction.

Short term effects of marijuana?

red eyes

What are some marijuana short and long term effects on the body?

you act stupid ,eyes become bloodshot

In reality is weed actually bad What are some long time effects Please explain thoroughly?

There is evidence that using marijuana has long term effects on the brain such as short term memory loss.

Cannabis short term and long term effects?

Among the short term effects of marijuana include:- increased attention-reduced anxiety-managed chronic pain, insomnia-greater appetite.Long term of marijuana include:-Loss of memory-heart pulsations-apathy-deficit of attention-the decline of the immune system

What are two possible long-term effects of marijuana use?

There is no conclusive evidence of negative long term side effects associated with the use of marijuana. The euphoric effects of marijuana only last up to three hours.

What is the problem with marijana?

I believe one of the few side effects of Marijuana is short and possibly long term memory lost.

How does marijuana affect you?

There are short-term effects, including inability to function and be mobile, loss of judgement, gnawing hunger and so forth. In addition, there are long-term effects. You can read them, below.

What are 2 long term effects of marijuana?

Memory loss and dependence.

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