What you do to me by Blakroc
If you are looking for the lyrics to the song Shake That Laffy Taffy, then the best place to obtain them is from You Tube. You Tube offers thousands of songs videos including Shake That Laffy Taffy. On You Tube search for Shake That Laffy Taffy with lyrics.
People figured out that Iyaz's Best Friend is Miley Cyrus they say that Miley Cyrus wrote a Song about a gay Best Friend and she said her Bff is Iyaz so Iyaz is gay and keeping it a secret and before he came famous he was gay then too.
shinedown - second chance
Coincidentally, I think I'm in love with my best guy friend. Great. It's called Lucky by Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillat.
I don't think that diamonds are every girls best friend. Yes, its true that a lot of girls and women love diamonds but its not necessary that every women loves diamonds and that its their best friend!! Of course you may have another best friend and so don't take those adverts seriously when they sing that "diamonds are a girls best friend!!" because for some women and girls... its not true!
Diamonds are a girls best friend
Well, according to the song, "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend", but I'm not absolutely certain of that.
Marilyn monroe
money and girls The only reason money is our friends and not just girls is we use money to buy girls more diamonds so they can be our friends. That's how I see it anyways
I'm pretty sure it was Marilyn monroe...
they're all best friends ,mans best friend ,girls best friend ,baseball payers best friend.
yes she was lorilei actually the movie was called gentlemen prefer blonds and she sang diamonds are a girls best friend
Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend was created in 1949.
It is said that, "Diamonds are a girls best friend!" - maybe an engagement ring will do the trick?
Diamonds are a girls best firend
Nicole Kidman actually sang that song in the movie