Coincidentally, I think I'm in love with my best guy friend. Great.
It's called Lucky by Jason Mraz feat. Colbie Caillat.
Rick James
Biz markie
Al Green - Let's stay together
He sings a song called "Yes I Can" that is why he is famousBecause of his best friend Justin Bieber??im not sure..
You should respect their relationship.
He sings a song called "Yes I Can" that is why he is famousBecause of his best friend Justin Bieber??im not sure..
im in love by jason tyler
just kis her and see wat happens, if she likes it take it to the bedroom
it means that she cares for you at least as much as a friend,a best friend or even more. but she isint in love like now that she has you she cannot live without you
Rick James
If one was in love with a boy but now they love his best friend and it's causing problems, they may want to end the relationship.
if you truly love him, you`ll be happy once he`s happy. even if he`s not with you.
ask them do you love me? it will be really hard but i did it im 16 and i got i sexy girl
Im confused your best friends best friend. Wouldnt that be you. Unless, Im missing something?
Im single, and no I dont "secretly love Nick Jonas" Hes my best friend.