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Q: What are the Different Types of Diet Plans for Women?
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What kind of diet plans are offered by Nutrisystem?

Nutrisystem offers a variety of different diet plans. There are two different plans for men and women. There are other diet plans for older individuals and vegetarians. An additional diet plan offers specially selected frozen food for everyone.

What are diet plans for women only?

Since men and women have different dietary needs, is helpful for women to understand what a healthy diet for them looks like.

is there a diet specifically for women?

There are many diet plans created specifically for women. Most prepared meal services, such as Nutrisystem, make different meal plans for men versus women. Many women's magazines have diet plans specifically for women, too. One example is Good Housekeeping:

What are some types of cholesterol lowering diet plans?

There are places your husband can go to obtain different diet plans to lower his cholesterol. His doctor can provide him with a diet plan or he can check out some websites on the computer such as and

Where can I find diet plans just for women?


Is there such a thing as a low calorie diet plan for women?

There are tons of diet plans available and yes, there are low calorie diet plans for women also. Some can be found at: or

What is a recipe for a lemon detox diet plan?

There are several different types of lemon detox diet plans you can follow, here is one of them:

What is a good diet plan for women?

Usually diet plans for men and women consist of the same foods, the only thing that may be different is the exercises you would do.���womens-diets.html

What are some diet plans for women that are proven to work?

Usually diet plans for men and women don't really differ. A lot of the same foods are included in both. You can get a good diet plan by going to this website.

What is meant by free diet meal plans?

A great website for fun diets is There are tons of meal plans for both men and women. Check it out for some great diet food. Free diet plans means that you do not have to pay money for the diet.

Where can I find diet meal plans?

A great website for fun diets is There are tons of meal plans for both men and women. Check it out for some great diet food.

Where can I find online free diet menus? has a free menu plan for dieting. You can also find one at and this website has several different diet options because different body types require different diet plans to lose weight.