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their eyes, their body movement and what thier doing with their hands.

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Q: What are the 3 things to pay attention to when assessing a person's mood?
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colors affect a persons mood because of there body lanuge

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It can be determined by the persons taste buds or mood.

How does cigarette affect a persons mood?

a cigarette effects the mood because it could effect the brain of someone by chemicals

What is the scientific name for a persons mood affected by the weather?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of mood disorder that is influenced by the changing seasons and weather patterns. It is characterized by symptoms of depression and low energy levels that typically occur during the fall and winter months when there is less sunlight.

How can you make your moshi monsters mood change?

Giving your monster attention, taking it shopping, playing with it, decorating its room and feeding it will help to change his/her mood.

What is the relationship between mood and setting?

The setting or atmosphere can absolutely affect a persons mood. If the weather is cold or rainy, a person may become more sad or lazy.

How does music affect human emotions?

Music can change a persons mood completely. When a persons sad or nervous they can listen to their favourite song and all of a sudden your in a much better mood. Music can even make you sad. If its a very beautiful song it can make you cry too.

Is 'just not in the mood of things' a sign of pregnancy?

Having these mood swings is the exact sign of pregnancy.

What neurotransmitter effects sleep mood attention and learning?

There is no one neurotransmitter that causes sleep. Acetylcholine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin are all known to be related to sleep in some way.