Dis-charge,mood swings,hormones kick in and spots! Always be prepared,it can come anyday!
tell me all symptoms before getting your period?
These are pregnancy symptoms. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period. They can also be signs that your period is coming
Cramps. All over your body. You ache in pain for 28 days. You bleed, and cry.
there are reasons why the period becomes irregular such as hard sports training. The period coming to a complete stop is the holy grail of the symptoms and the main symptom of pregnancy.
There is no " medication " that can start or stop your period. It will come at the right time and you just have to be patient. Some symptoms that means your period is coming include discharge, cramping, and headaches. Be sure to have pads/ tampons around when these symptoms occur. Hope this helps!
Well it depends what symptoms ??
You know when your period is coming because of the symptoms you are recieving / recieved . Some symptoms could be lower back pains , breast growth and pubic hair. Most people get worried about this but it's just a part of the change. Other symptoms could be maybe losing a tiny bit of blood when you are in the toilet every few months or every month , that could also mean you have started your period.
No, that is a symtom of your period. I know it is wierd. Pregancy symptoms are period symptoms :)
It is probably just the symptoms you get before a period. If your period doesn't come, take a test
Yes. All of those can be symptoms of your period starting. If you think it may come soon, wear a pad in your underwear. It may start soon, or you may just get those annoying symptoms for the first few months without the actual bleeding.
Yes and no. PMS (pre menstrual symptoms ) are just the same as pregnancy symptoms. If you are trying to conceive it is likely that you are pregnant you can feel confident testing after your period is late. Good luck! Low back pain is not a typical symptom of pregnancy, breat tenderness and nausea are. Without knowing when your last period was and when you had sex it is impossible to predict if you are pregnant of not. If you miss your period, get a pregnancy test.
if you are coming urine, you need to go to the GP.