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These are pregnancy symptoms. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period. They can also be signs that your period is coming

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Q: What does it mean when you have nausea frequent urination and breast tenderness?
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Can you please tell me about pregnancy symptoms?

Some signs and symptoms to look for if you believe you might be pregnant include * missed period, * nausea with or without vomiting, * tiredness, * dizziness, * breast changes and breast tenderness, and * frequent urination.

How early do you start experiencing pregnancy symptoms such as nausea slight weight gain bloating swelled breasts frequent urination?

It varies from woman to woman but typically you can experience breast tenderness and nausea as early as two weeks after conception, with the other symptoms follwing closely behind.

Am I most likely be pregnant some symptoms i have Breast Tenderness Fatigue Frequent Urination Nausea Dizziness Heartburn and or Constipation Food Cravings or Aversions to Foods but im cramping?

most likely you are those are symptoms also you can have your period or signs of your period even if your pregnant

Can you get breast tenderness in the 3rd week of pregnancy?

! Yes, you can get breast tenderness in the first couple of weeks, as long as nausea!! Congrats!!

What are the symptoms of being pregnant before your missed period?

-Implantation Bleeding (Spotting) -Delay or a Difference in Menstruation -Swollen and/or Tender Breasts -Fatigue/Tiredness -Nausea/Morning Sickness -Backaches -Headaches -Frequent Urination -Darkening of Areolas -Food Cravings These are the most common symptoms of pregnancy.

What are singns of being preagneat?

Signs of pregnancy can include missed periods, nausea or vomiting (morning sickness), breast tenderness, fatigue, and frequent urination. It's important to take a home pregnancy test or see a doctor for confirmation if you suspect you might be pregnant.

What are the common symptoms and changes in the pregnancy stomach during the first month of pregnancy"?

During the first month of pregnancy, common symptoms include fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness, and frequent urination. Changes in the stomach may include bloating and slight expansion due to hormonal changes, but the baby is still very small at this stage and not visibly noticeable.

How do you know your pregnant without takinng the test?

Your period is over a week late and no spotting occurs. You have swollen or breast tenderness. Fatigue/Tiredness. Nausea/Morning sickness (usually occurs after a month of conception). Darkening of areolas (the area around your nipple), Backaches. Headaches. Frequent urination. Cravings. (Can happen any time!!) Noticeable hormonal mood swings.

What are the symptoms after getting fertilized?

After a sperm fertilises an egg, the female is pregnant. Pregnancy symptoms include: * missed period, * nausea with or without vomiting, * tiredness, * dizziness, * breast changes and breast tenderness, and * frequent urination. Feelings of sickness (nausea) affect the majority of women during pregnancy, particularly during the first three to four months. Tiredness may be more pronounced during the first and third trimesters. (1st trimester = months 1-3, and 3rd trimester = months 6-9)

What the risk of taking reglan?

Reglan is a relatively safe drug. Its possible side-effects include drowziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, breast enlargement or discharge, frequent urination, and, in some rare cases, Tardive Dyskinesia.

Will doubling up on birth control cause a period to come early?

No but it may cause nausea, breast tenderness or headaches.

Have gas nausea frequent urination and heartburn but I am on Mirena Possible I am pregnant?

Probably not. These symptoms are all side effects of the mirena iud.