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Q: What are symptoms of dog aborting first pregnancy?
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Can you terminate a pregnancy in dogs?

Yes. If you take your dog to the veterinarian, they can give your dog an excess of estrogen, opening the cervix and aborting the fetuses. It is essentially the morning after pill for dogs.

What are some symptoms of dog pregnancy?

Some of the symptoms of a dog pregnancy are : Morning sickness (beggining) Enlargement of the nipples (beggining throuhg to end) Tummy getting harder and getting larger (middle) Change in normal behavoir (begginging)

What symptoms do dogs get when they have a phantom pregnancy?

The only difference between a phantom pregnancy and a real pregnancy is that with a phantom pregnancy you are not actually carrying a baby and you will usually have a period and a negative pregnancy test. You will have the same symptoms as a regular pregnancy and they can last at least as long as 7 months.Scroll down to related links and look at "False pregnancy - Wikipedia"

Does the first male dog's hereditary genes still have an effects on the second pregnancy?

Probably not - the first sire's DNA would be long gone from the uterus before the second pregnancy was started.

Is there a shot for dogs to stop pregnancy?

No, there is no shot you can give a dog to abort their pregnancy.

What happens if you are six weeks pregnant and your small dog jumps on your belly hard?

Six weeks into a pregnancy the uterus is still down behind the pubic symphisis, in the pelvis, so a jump on the tummy wouldn't be a direct hit. However, if you have any symptoms such as bleeding, or your pregnancy symptoms being gone, I would go to the doctor.

Does a dog's stomach get smaller after a false pregnancy?

No, a dog's stomach does not get smaller after a false pregnancy. It remains the same.

How do you prevent female dog pregnancy?

dont get a male dog

What is a Pregnancy tests for dog?

a vet

How can you cure a dog that just eat mint?

First thing is... What are the symptoms? If the dog, is chocking, or if it is having any kind of strange behavior then it is a good chance that it is allergic to mint. If the dog is acting normally then it should be fine, and you don't have to worry about it. But if there are strange symptoms, and the dog doesn't look like he/she is feeling good, then you should take it to a vet.

Why dog shivering no other symptoms?

my dog has no other symptoms of illness but shivers a lot what could be wrong with her? she is a 12 year old dog has with no health problems.

What if dog made some girl pregnant?

It is not possible to get pregnancy from the dog to human female. Chromosomes do not allow such pregnancy to take place.