Most vegetables and fish can be steamed.
You can enhance the flavor of steamed vegetables by adding seasoning such as herbs, spices, or a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Experiment with different combinations to find what you like best.
120 for one cup
There are approximately 32 calories in steamed vegetables.
It is often used as a base for sauce/gravy.
Any vegetable can be prepared in a vegetable steamer, there are just some that will respond better. Typically vegetables such as broccoli or asparagus are served steamed. A vegetable like a carrot, while it can be steamed, may not soften as nicely as broccoli.
Congee (rice porridge), baozi (steamed buns filled with meat or vegetables), beef noodles, tea eggs, steamed buns and warm soymilk.
Steaming vegetables is one of the healthier ways of preparing them. Carrots should be steamed for about eight minutes if steamed on the stove top or about five if done in the microwave.
That depends on the vegetables and the quantities. For the calorie counts of many vegetables, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..
Peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, roasted onions, steamed broccoli.
Some delicious and healthy steamed tofu recipes to try include steamed tofu with ginger and scallions, steamed tofu with soy sauce and sesame oil, and steamed tofu with vegetables like broccoli and bell peppers. These recipes are easy to make, full of flavor, and provide a nutritious meal option.
Well if you like vegtables I bet anything will be good. But I prefer carrots and broccoli steamed.